Our vision is to work to attract and employ distinguished expertise in the university teaching process, and this will reflect positively on the level of university students and the quality of the educational process in it.
Continuous improvement and development of teaching staff in various aspects such as teaching methods courses, e-learning workshops, developing theoretical and practical curricula and participating in local and international conferences in order to increase their expertise and give them more space to perform their duties with ease and comfort.
The Faculty Affairs Office seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1- Implementing and organizing the procedures followed in accepting new faculty members, including completing files, interviews, and others
2-Following up the service, administrative and financial procedures for the university’s faculty members
3- Creating the appropriate climate that ensures creativity and innovation for the faculty member
4- Developing the capabilities of faculty members through appropriate courses and workshops.
5- Assisting in evaluating the performance of university faculty members in accordance with recognized scientific standards